I have a pipeline where all the stages are test stages (no build stage, given that it is matlab code).
Most of the times when a stage fails, it is marked in red (failure) (e.g. in the blueocean pipeline graph), but sometimes all the stages are marked yellow (unstable), making it difficult to identify in what stage the things failed.
My question is, how does Jenkins determine if a stage is a build step (for which the result will be marked failure) or a test step (for which the result will be marked unstable)?
My goal is to always mark the stages as failed, not unstable, if they fail.
My stages are named as following:
stage('Check modified files')
stage('Check examples (modified files)')
stage('Unit testing (modified files)')
stage('Unit testing (dependent units/modules)')
, I guess it depends on the given steps / plugins what they will return on "fail" , try on your own manually force to setup status of pipeline, follow support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/… ,UNSTABLE
should work as well, briefly a little more explanation Jenkins Pipeline Fails if Step is Unstable – xxxvodnikxxx