I have a use case where I intend to group by key(s) while aggregating over column(s). I am using Dataset and tried to achieve these operations by using groupBy
and agg
. For example take the following scenario
case class Result(deptId:String,locations:Seq[String])
case class Department(deptId:String,location:String)
// using spark 2.0.2
// I have a Dataset `ds` of type Department
|deptId | location |
| d1|delhi |
| d1|mumbai |
| dp2|calcutta |
| dp2|hyderabad |
I intended to convert it to
// Dataset `result` of type Result
|deptId | locations |
| d1|[delhi,mumbai] |
| dp2|[calcutta,hyderabad]|
For this I searched on stack and found the following:
val flatten = udf(
(xs: Seq[Seq[String]]) => xs.flatten)
val result = ds.groupBy("deptId").
The above seemed pretty neat for me.
- But before searching for the above, I first searched if Dataset had an inbuilt
like a RDD does. But couldn't find, so opted for above. But I read this article grouByKey vs reduceByKey and came to knowreduceByKey
has less shuffles and is more efficient. Which is my first reason to ask the question, should I opt for RDD in my scenario ? - The reason I initially went for Dataset was solely enforcement of type,ie. each row being of type
. But as my result has an entirely different schema should I bother with type safety ? So I tried doingresult.as[Result]
but that doesn't seem to do any compile time type check. Another reason I chose Dataset was, I'll pass the result Dataset to some other function, having a structure makes code easy to maintain. Also the case class can be highly nested, I cannot imagine maintaining that nesting in pairRDD while writing reduce/map operations. - Another thing I'm unsure of is about using
. I came across post, where people said they would prefer changing Dataset to RDD, rather than using udf for complex aggregations/grouby. - I also googled around a bit and saw posts/articles where people said Dataset has overhead of type checking, but in higher spark version is better performance wise compared to RDD. Again not sure should I switch back to RDD ?
PS: please forgive, if I used some terms incorrectly.