
This happens while trying to create a VPC-native GKE cluster. Per the documentation here the command to do this is

gcloud container clusters create [CLUSTER_NAME] --enable-ip-alias

However this command, gives below error.

ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) Only alpha clusters (--enable_kubernetes_alpha) can use --enable-ip-alias

The command does work when option --enable_kubernetes_alpha is added. But gives another message.

This will create a cluster with all Kubernetes Alpha features enabled.
- This cluster will not be covered by the Container Engine SLA and 
should not be used for production workloads.
- You will not be able to upgrade the master or nodes.
- The cluster will be deleted after 30 days.

Edit: The test was done in zone asia-south1-c

My questions are:

  1. Is VPC-Native cluster production ready?
  2. If yes, what is the correct way to create a production ready cluster?
  3. If VPC-Native cluster is not production ready, what is the way to connect privately from a GKE cluster to another GCP service (like Cloud SQL)?

1 Answers


Your command seems correct. Seems like something is going wrong during the creation of your cluster on your project. Are you using any other flags than the command you posted?

When I set my Google cloud shell to region europe-west1 The cluster deploys error free and 1.11.6-gke.2(default) is what it uses.

You could try to manually create the cluster using the GUI instead of gcloud command. While creating the cluster, check the “Enable VPC-native (using alias ip)” feature. Try using a newest non-alpha version of GKE if some are showing up for you.

Public documentation you posted on GKE IP-aliasing and the GKE projects.locations.clusters API shows this to be in GA. All signs point this to be production ready. For whatever it’s worth, the feature has been posted last May In Google Cloud blog.

What you can try is to update your version of Google Cloud SDK. This will bring everything up to the latest release and remove alpha messages for features that are in GA right now.

 $ gcloud components update