
I am trying to insert data into a Hive Managed table that has a partition.

Show create table output for reference.

|                                          createtab_stmt                                          |
| CREATE TABLE `part_test08`(                                                                      |
|   `id` string,                                                                                   |
|   `name` string,                                                                                 |
|   `baseamount` double,                                                                           |
|   `billtoaccid` string,                                                                          |
|   `extendedamount` double,                                                                       |
|   `netamount` decimal(19,5),                                                                     |
|   `netunitamount` decimal(19,5),                                                                 |
|   `pricingdate` timestamp,                                                                       |
|   `quantity` int,                                                                                |
|   `invoiceid` string,                                                                            |
|   `shiptoaccid` string,                                                                          |
|   `soldtoaccid` string,                                                                          |
|   `ingested_on` timestamp,                                                                       |
|   `external_id` string)                                                                          |
| PARTITIONED BY (                                                                                 |
|   `productid` string)                                                                            |
| ROW FORMAT SERDE                                                                                 |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcSerde'                                                    |
| STORED AS INPUTFORMAT                                                                            |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcInputFormat'                                              |
| OUTPUTFORMAT                                                                                     |
|   'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.orc.OrcOutputFormat'                                             |
| LOCATION                                                                                         |
|   'wasb://blobrootpath/hive/warehouse/db_103.db/part_test08'  |
| TBLPROPERTIES (                                                                                  |
|   'bucketing_version'='2',                                                                       |
|   'transactional'='true',                                                                        |
|   'transactional_properties'='default',                                                          |
|   'transient_lastDdlTime'='1549962363')                                                          |

Trying to execute SQL statement to insert records into the part table like below

sparkSession.sql("INSERT INTO TABLE db_103.part_test08 PARTITION(ProductId) SELECT reflect('java.util.UUID', 'randomUUID'),stg_name,stg_baseamount,stg_billtoaccid,stg_extendedamount,stg_netamount,stg_netunitamount,stg_pricingdate,stg_quantity,stg_invoiceid,stg_shiptoaccid,stg_soldtoaccid,'2019-02-12 09:06:07.566',stg_id,stg_ProductId FROM tmp_table WHERE part_id IS NULL");

Without insert statement, if we run select query then getting below data.

|reflect(java.util.UUID, randomUUID)|stg_name|stg_baseamount|     stg_billtoaccid|stg_extendedamount|stg_netamount|stg_netunitamount|    stg_pricingdate|stg_quantity|stg_invoiceid|     stg_shiptoaccid|     stg_soldtoaccid|2019-02-12 09:06:07.566|stg_id|stg_ProductId|
|               4e0b4331-b551-42d...|    OLI6|          16.0|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|            34.567|   1166.74380|        916.78000|2018-10-18 05:06:22|          13|           I1|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|   2019-02-12 09:06:...|     6|           P3|
|               8b327a8e-dd3c-445...|    OLI7|          16.0|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|            34.567|    766.74380|       1016.78000|2018-10-18 05:06:22|          13|           I6|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|2DD4E682-6B4F-E81...|   2019-02-12 09:06:...|     7|           P4|
|               c0e14b9a-8d1a-426...|    OLI5|       14.6555|                null|             34.56|    500.87000|        814.65000|2018-10-11 05:06:22|          45|           I4|29B73C4E-846B-E71...|29B73C4E-846B-E71...|   2019-02-12 09:06:...|     5|           P1|

Earlier I was getting error while inserting into Managed table. But after restarting Hive & Thrift services now there is no error in execution of job but not able to see those inserted data while doing select query through beeline/program. I can see partition with delta files also got inserted into hive/warehouse, see below screenshot. enter image description here

Also, I can see some warnings as below not sure its related to the error or not.

Cannot get ACID state for db_103.part_test08 from null

One more note: If I use External Table then it is working fine can able to view data as well.

We are using Azure HDInsight Spark 2.3 (HDI 4.0 Preview) cluster with below Service Stacks.

HDFS: 3.1.1

Hive: 3.1.0

Spark2: 2.3.1


1 Answers


Have you added below set commands while trying to insert data.

SET hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
SET hive.support.concurrency=true;
SET hive.enforce.bucketing=true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;

I have faced similar issue where i was not allowed to do any read / write operation, after adding the above properties I was able to query the table.

Since you have not faced any issue with external table, not sure if this is going to solve your problem.