
I've a multi-module maven project. It has two multi-modules

  • Parent POM.xml (packaging type: pom)
  • Module1 POM.xml (packaging type: jar)
  • Module2 POM.xml (packaging type: jar)

When I build the pom.xml using mvn build option, I am able to get all artifacts (parent pom, child jars).

But I want .pom file (not pom.xml) for child jars as well. Can anyone please suggest me what to do?

I tried by adding dependencies like maven release plugin in pom.xml but it didn't work.

What's a .pom file?Robby Cornelissen
@RobbyCornelissen .pom = particularly obstructive modulationiLuvLogix
Did my answer help you?J Fabian Meier

1 Answers


The pom.xml is renamed to module1.pom when installed (copied to the local repository) or deployed (copied to the repository). The pom.xml is not copied to target.