I am trying to access some images stored within the _data folder of my jekyll project. The images are stored within year folders like so:
├── _data
| ├── Images
| ├── 2017
| ├── img1
| └── img2
| ├── 2018
| └── img1
I have tried to access the images for 2017 like so:
{% assign year = '2017' %}
{% for folder in site.data.Images %}
{% if year == folder.first %}
{% assign images = folder.last %}
{% for image in images %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
but although {{folder.first}} is displayed I can't figure out, despite much searching, how to access the images within that folder. 'Found' is never displayed. I have tried:
{% assign images = folder %}
{% assign images = folder.last %}
{% assign images = folder[1] %}
and a few other things but I can't seem to get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated.