
I am building an assessment tool. The logic is:

  1. In each question, once I click 'Upload/View Files', it will pop up a modal;

  2. In the modal, there is a section you can select pic/document/video to upload. The code is as: Html code

  3. Once you click submit, it will trigger jquery as below:

            var formData = new FormData($(this)[0]);
                url: "ajax/upload-attachment.ajax.php",
                type: "POST",
                data: formData,
                async: false,
                cache: false,
                contentType: false, 
                processData: false,
                'success': function(data){
            }); //End of ajax
    })//End of submit
  4. And the following is ajax php code:

    require_once '../php-includes/connect.inc.php';
    global $db;
            echo "No File Selected";
    mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO `files` VALUES('$assess_id','$quest_ref','$fileName','$fileType','$fileData', NOW(), '$email', '')");
    echo "Success";
  5. However, when I check database after uploading the file, it only upload the name like 'C:xampp mpphpFE6F.tmp' into the blob, apparently the $fileData is not correct. Could you please help me how i can do this?


Please see tutorial here PHP MySQL BLOBJan Lois
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2 Answers


Another way to do it is to save your images to your server or something like cloudinary and save the created link to SQL.


Simplest solution, use this plugin:


Ravishanker Kusuma has done such a good job that there is no point rolling your own. (I am not in any way associated with RK, nor have I even communicated with him, but have used this plugin for years.)

Alternatively, you can use his plugin as a learning tool / template and look at his code to see how he did it.