I'm using apex 4.2 for this
Here's what i'm trying to do: I have a defined LOV that is the union of a query that gets schema type and a query that gets database type. Based on the value of that LOV, i want a 2nd drop down to appear only of the value selected in the 1st LOV is a schema
I haven't found anything relevant on google for that. I know there is also the javascript approach that could probably do what i want but my attempts so far didn't go well but i don't mind going there if someone already did something similar that worked
Let me know if more details are needed, thx
What i have so far: I created a dynamic action that on change of the 1st LOV if the value is in the list of schema, then display the 2nd LOV, if not keep it hidden.
This work very well with the only problem that i need to put the hard coded list in the condition value for it to work properly. I wanted to put the query result in a variable and use that variable in the dynamic action so that it would work in all cases even if the schema type list change over time.
To recreate my set up, you'll need a LOV item that should be filled with at least 4 elements that you can very well call 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then create a 2nd item to be displayed based on the value of the LOV. Create a dynamic action based on change of item LOV with condition in list (1,2) with true action displaying 2nd item
Now what i'm looking for is replace the actual in list (1,2) by :P1_VARIABLE that would contain value "1,2"
Expected results: When page loads, the LOV is hidden, when a schema value is selected, LOV appears
Actual results: Exactly that when using dynamic action with hard coded list of value in condition. When using a variable instead, LOV never shows up
Javascript attempts always displayed the LOV no matter what was selected