I have to implement OAuth 2.0 in my project with a third party Authorization Server. Both my client and server are already registered on the AS. I have created an API management instance on Azure and imported the swagger APIs. I want every incoming request to be validated against my AS, so I just need to redirect the request to https://my-as.com/as/introspect.oauth2, and have the token validated. If the token is valid then let it proceed or else send 401. I was trying to implement this using "inbound processing" and referred to the following doc: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-howto-protect-backend-with-aad#configure-a-jwt-validation-policy-to-pre-authorize-requests.
The only problem is that instead of Azure AD I'm using a third party AS. I tried replacing the URL in sample XML code with my URL, but its not working.
How do I redirect requests to the Authorization Server for validating access token?