I'm setting tooltips on events with fullcalendar from primeng. When i run my code, i see my tooltip initialized into the web console but i can't see it when i passed my mouse over an event.
I am developing with Typescript, Primeng 7.0.5, Angular 6. I am using the fullcalendar v4.0 from PrimeNg and i follow the tooltip example which is in the eventRender page.
There is my code:
eventRender: function(info) { let tooltip = new Tooltip(info.el, { title: 'test', placement: 'top', trigger: 'hover', container: 'body' }); console.log(tooltip); }
<div id="calendar" class="row col-xl-12">
<p-fullCalendar [events]="events" [options]="options"></p-fullCalendar>
the result into my console :
Tooltip {show: ƒ, hide: ƒ, dispose: ƒ, toggle: ƒ, updateTitleContent: ƒ, …} dispose: ƒ () hide: ƒ () options: {container: "body", delay: 0, html: false, placement: "top", title: "test", …} reference: a.fc-day-grid-event.fc-h-event.fc-event.fc-not-start.fc-end show: ƒ () toggle: ƒ () updateTitleContent: ƒ (title) _events: (2) [{…}, {…}] _isOpen: false _popperOptions: {} _setTooltipNodeEvent: ƒ (evt, reference, delay, options) __proto__: Object
For the moment it is initialized but when my mouse is on an event, nothing append
Did you ever had a problem like this ?