I have a macro which works perfectly well on one workbook, but is throwing 'Run-time error 13 type mismatch' when I have copied it to a new workbook to be used.
The macro's function is to read a list of values and create a new list, excluding strings that have been specified in the code.
The data set I'm trying to work with is located in B96:B110, and I need the results to be placed in a list starting in cell C96.
So far, the only parts of code I've changed is the name of the worksheet, the range reference of the original list and the locations of where the results needs to go.
Option Explicit
Private Sub compileList()
Dim arr(), i As Long, list As Object
Dim exclusions(), found As Boolean, j As Long
exclusions = Array("examplestring1", "examplestring2", "(examplestring3)", "Example String 4")
With Worksheets("somemacros")
arr = .Range("B96:B110" & .Cells(.Rows.count, "B").End(xlUp).Row).Value
Set list = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
found = False
With list
For j = LBound(exclusions) To UBound(exclusions)
If InStr(arr(i, 1), exclusions(j)) > 0 Then
found = True
Exit For
End If
If Not found Then .Add arr(i, 1)
End With
Next i
.Range("C96").Resize(list.count, 1) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(list.ToArray)
End With
End Sub
In the original workbook the code works fine, however when I try to execute the code in a new workbook the error message appears and is referring to the following piece of code:
I've copied several macros to different workbooks before with no issues and from what I can understand a type mismatch error appears when data-types aren't matched correctly, I'm totally lost on how a mismatch has been created here, so if anyone could explain to this rookie the reason behind this issue so he could avoid this in the future, it would be hugely appreciated.
If I've left out any important information please feel free to let me know.
Many thanks
line actually appearing on a new line under your.Range("C96")...
line? I mean... I can't imagine it is since that would cause a compile error, but it's the most obvious thing wrong with the code that I can see. – JNevill.Transpose
function can error out if the array or Range being transposed is too large. This linearr = .Range("B96:B110" & .Cells(.Rows.count, "B").End(xlUp).Row).Value
looks questionable to me because if the range isB96:B110
then why is the row number of the last line also being appended to the end? If the last row is 110, then the line is actually sayingarr = .Range("B96:B110110).Value
; which makesarr
really large. – Mistella.Range("C96").Resize(2, list.count)
? since you are transposing the resulting 2 dimensional array from your list? The second dimension is the2
rows and thelist.count
here would be the count of columns needed to hold the results. (for the record, I don't think this is causing the error, necessarily, and if it is, it's sort of indirectly causing it). – JNevill