When dealing with equalities on types in Agda, it is often necessary to coerce the inhabitants the types using a hand-made coercion like
coerce : ∀ {ℓ} {A B : Set ℓ} → A ≡ B → A → B
coerce refl x = x
It was discussed here that explicit coercion of terms could sometimes be avoided using rewriting. I was wondering if this technique worked as well when defining types. So I wrote a little example where f,g : A → Set
are two (extentionally) equal dependent types and a property p : A → Set
where p x
state that every element y : f x
is equal to every element z : g x
, that is y ≡ z
. The last equality is ill-typed, as one can expect since y : f x
and z : g x
do not share the same type a priori, however I was hoping that rewriting could allow it. Something like:
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
postulate A : Set
postulate B : Set
postulate f : A → Set
postulate g : A → Set
postulate f≡g : ∀ {x} → (f x) ≡ (g x)
p : {x : A} → Set
p {x} rewrite f≡g {x} = (y : f x ) (z : g x) → y ≡ z
But the error is still there, even though the rewrite advice is accepted. So, is there a way to make Agda accept this definition without using an explicit coercion, like
p {x} = (y : f x ) (z : g x) → (coerce f≡g y) ≡ z
Thank you