I'm working on a visualization in Tableau, regarding numbers for actual figures, budgets, and estimates. For budget and estimate, I also want to show the percentage of difference compared to the actual. I have these numbers for several categories.
I recreated an example as below.
What I now want is: Hide the percentage calculation ONLY for the actuals column. I tried several things. but it always ends in multiple columns being deleted. How can I do this?
(Percentages are calculated across table and based on "actual" scenario).
Edit 1: As in one of the answers, creating seperate calculated fields for each value is an option. But in my problem, I will have a lot of measures where I want to disply it this way. So creating 5 calculated fields for every measure is really a last option. Also: I now solve it using 2 different sheets on the dashboard. One sheet with actual numbers, and one sheet with percentages (hiding the actual column). But then the line up is not so nice, and also when the sorting of the dimension changes, it is tricky. I have also options to drill down the hierarchy of a dimension, and with two sheets, one of the two will of course not adapt then.