I have a query pulling from a large data list, and it works until I try to filter the data (Range Q) for two date ranges.
I've tried changing around the date format (yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy-mm-dd, etc), but it still does not seem to want to work. The value for $E$6 and $E$7 are pulling from data validation, and the Range Q is grabbing from a row with dd/mm/yyyy format.
=QUERY('Deal Data'!A1:X999,
"select B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X
where ("&IF($E$8 = "All", , "D = """&$E$8&""" and ") &
IF($E$9 = "All", , "C = """&$E$9&""" and ") &
IF($E$10 = "All", , "U = """&$E$10&""" and ") "
Q >= date """&TEXT($E$6,"dd/mm/yyyy")&"""
and Q <= date """&TEXT($E$7,"dd/mm/yyyy")""" and " &
("F = """&$E$11&""")"))
The formula works when I exclude the data range:
=QUERY('Deal Data'!A1:X999,
"select B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X
where ("&IF($E$8 = "All", , "D = """&$E$8&""" and ") &
IF($E$9 = "All", , "C = """&$E$9&""" and ") &
IF($E$10 = "All", , "U = """&$E$10&""" and ") &
("F = """&$E$11&""")"))`
The result I am getting is an #ERROR
Any help would be very appreciated!