I created an EntityType in my gateway project. How can I bind that value to a list in SAPUI5?
<List id="id1" mode="{path: 'ODataManifestModel>EntitySetForBoolean', formatter: 'Formatter.formatForBoolean'}""
so I define in my manifest JSON the gateway service and call it ODataManifestModel. Now I'd like to bind that value from the booleanProperty and depending on that value change the mode of my list. All that is clear to me how to do but somehow I think I am not binding it correctly. Because with that I am not sure how the frontend will know that I was to use that specific property. I also tried something like this:
<List id="id1" mode="{path: 'ODataManifestModel>EntitySetForBoolean>booleanProperty', formatter: 'Formatter.formatForBoolean'}""
but that didn't work either, what I am doing wrong here?
sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel or sap.ui.model.odata.v2? Provide a sample data as well. – O.O