I have been learning Asp.Net Identity on the past few days, I am familiar with authorizing the controller with [Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
or [Authorize(Policy = "OnlyAdminAndModerators")]
for example.
I am using JWT token, when authorizing via "[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]" all I have to do is set a role type on my token, like this:
"nameid": "a173e923-1808-4d7d-2b64-08d684882677",
"unique_name": "yuri",
"role": [
"nbf": 1549522727,
"exp": 1549609127,
"iat": 1549522727
With this, my controller is able to authenticate via the "role" name on the json
and the value of "Admin".
What I have heard is that it is possible to create a role on the Identity AspNetRole Table, associate a claim to the role via the AspNetRoleClaims table, so for example Admin would have "CanAdd" claim, then on the Startup class, I could create a Policy saying something like options.AddPolicy("Add Role", policy => policy.RequireClaim("CanAdd", "AddClaim"));
And then finally I could go on my controller, set a method with [Authorize(Policy = "Add Role")]
and the controller would authorize any user with the Role of Admin because he would have the CanAdd claim.
Sorry I know it's a big question but I really want to make this work.
Thanks in advance.