I'm trying to calculate the majority value in a categorical raster data set in R, for example using land cover data. This would be similar to the focal statistics tool in ArcGIS using the majority statistic. I am able to calculate the majority land cover type using a rectangular moving window and the modal function:
# create data
r <- raster(nrows = 120, ncol = 120, xmn=0)
r[] <- sample(3, ncell(r), replace=TRUE)
a<-focal(r, w=matrix(1,3,3), fun=modal) # 3x3 moving window
However, when I apply a focal weight to define my circular moving window, the output values appear to be treated as continuous numbers and not discrete values, even if I convert the raster to a factor:
#convert to a factor factor
#set up window
fw <- focalWeight(r.f, 4.5, type='circle')
#apply focal fxn
r.f.focal<-focal(r.f, w=fw, fun=modal, na.rm=TRUE)
It appears zeros might be added into the analysis and that is creating the problem. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?