That's not a yet another question on how to increase quota limits. Today Google decreased YouTube Data API v3 quota limits for queries per day from 50 million in my case to 0! Somebody had 1 million queries, 100 000 queries per day, but now everybody have only 10 000 units. It is extremely low, all serious production apps will be suspended soon. That conditions are unacceptable.
This was happened without any notification! No message in cloud console or in mailbox!
That means that we all need to close our projects completely. Thousands of developers involved with youtube api projects, we wrote lots of code to make all things working, spent a lot of time and power.
And there is no way to solve that problem because Google doesn't give any support with the youtube api. I tried to contact youtube api team with all channels, filled out brand new quota application form ~3 months ago - still no answer or positive changes.
In the official documentation and google cloud console pages written that stackoverflow is the only place where we can get help, because google staff are monitoring tags associated with google services. Maybe this topic aggregate more feedbacks than my previous one Issue tracker
So I want to ask other developers, what are you going to do with your projects, is 10 000 queries per day enough?