
Google has announced the shutdown of Google+ scopes and APIs on March 7th.

We have multiple Google scopes approved for a single refresh token so I guess my question is will the token totally invalidate after the shutdown?

For example, I have both contact scope (https://www.google.com/m8/feeds) and Google+ scope (https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me) approved for a refresh token.

After Google plus shutdown on March 7th, will I still be able to request Google Contacts APIs with this token?


3 Answers


As long as the refresh token has other valid scopes, they will continue to work. Essentially, the plus.me scope will be "removed" from the token.


After Google plus shutdown on March 7th, will I still be able to request Google Contacts APIs with this token?

Contacts v3 has two scopes. Depending upon what you are doing.

As long as you are using https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/ then you will be able to use the google contacts api. I am not sure why you are using https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me as its not required by the google contacts api but any calls that you may be making using that scope will no longer work to work.

Any refresh tokens that you have should still work when calling google contacts api


Today (7th March, 19) Google+ API shut down completely, I had issue in rails application with authentication and I solved it by replacing OpenIdConnect endpoint, as mentioned here