
I've added Firestore to a project in my Google Cloud console but I don't see a way to manage rules. All documentation points to Firebase but my project wasn't started in Firebase. Thought I might be able to deploy/manage the rules via the Firebase CLI but it doesn't recognize my GCP project on firebase init.

Have you tried using the Firebase console? You should be able to add any Firebase to any Cloud project that way. console.firebase.google.comDoug Stevenson
I have but I don't see my GCP project listed there.user2864874
If you're just expecting it to appear, that's not going to be sufficient. medium.com/google-developers/…Doug Stevenson
Ah. I didn't notice that the Project name field in the Add a project dialog was a dropdown. Thanks! If you want to leave an answer, I'll mark as such.user2864874
FYI security rules won't be relevant to your project unless you're accessing Firestore using the Firebase SDKs in a mobile app. If you're using a server SDK, security rules won't apply.Doug Stevenson

1 Answers


You can add Firebase services to an existing Google Cloud project via the Firebase console. A more detailed explanation of the relationship between Firebase and Google Cloud can be read about here. Once you add Firebase to a Cloud project, you should be able to manage security rules in the console, and also through the Firebase CLI.