Hello everyone who reads this! I hope you can help me with my problem, but if not, thank you for try. I have DataSnap server and client. DataSnap server methods can return to client a DataSet as function result. I'm getting data from MySQL DB with TFDQuery component. Somebody please help me to understand, how can I get a dataset from FDQuery component that already has data?
TDataSet.Data is OleVariant type property containing all data. But FDQuery doesn't have the same property. I need to return a dataset from FDQuery as OleVariant in function.
*Try, Except, FreeAndNil, DisposeOf etc removed from code for better understanding the problem
//Client side
procedure TForm1.GetDataSetFromServer;
Server: TServerMethods1Client;
DS: TClientDataSet;
Server := TServerMethods1Client.Create(ClientModule1.SQLConnection1.DBXConnection);
DS := TClientDataSet.Create(nil);
DS.Data := Server.GetDataSet; //Call remote server method
//DataSnap server side
function TServerMethods1.GetDataSet: OleVariant;
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'SELECT * FROM Table1';
//Now i need to return all data as function result
result := ???
Need any information that can be helpful. Thanks in advance! Have a nice day!