I'm trying to pull in the exact qty required from the table Master_Query table. The 3 criteria i need to match it with is the Part Number, the WeekNumber & the Date. I keep getting #REF! in my row for all except 1 cell. What is wrong with my code? Are there certain limitation with index match when pulling from a table generated by power query? Below is the code and images of the workbook
Edit: Just to specify in the page that I need to pull my data in, I am pulling in data for row 1081 starting at cell BS1081 and that data is to reflect only date 12/31 and fill in WeekNumber 1,2,3,4..etc pertaining to date 12/31. The next row down 1082 will start on cell BT1082 and that data is to reflect only date 1/07 for WeekNumber 1,2,3,4..etc.
=INDEX(Master_Query[Qty Required],MATCH('Waterfall
2018'!$R$1081,Master_Query[Part Number],0),MATCH('Waterfall
Where I need to pull in the data (first cell BS1081) and then every proceeding cell in that row.