I am trying display text on variable product page depending on current product's options. Say, if this product comes with (attributes) options#1 then display text#1, if this product is offered with (attributes) options#2 then display text#2
I have tried the following code but both text#1 and text#2 display for all variable products regardless of what attributes available.
add_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'display_custom_meta_field_value', 25 );
function display_custom_meta_field_value() {
global $product;
if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
if (wc_attribute_taxonomy_name ('valve-options-white') == 'pa_valve-options-white' )
echo '<p id="value-on-single-product"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i><a href="#" class="popmake-1087"> Which Valves Do I Need? CLICK HERE</a></p>';
if ( (wc_attribute_taxonomy_name ('valve-options-chrome') ) == ('pa_valve-options-chrome') )
echo '<p id="value-on-single-product"><i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i><a href="#" class="popmake-697"> Which Valves Do I Need? CLICK HERE</a></p>';
I want only one of text#1 or text#2 displayed for each variable product depending on what attributes (group) has been assigned. Thank you.