
I wanna calculate the cumulative values by month/year

My dimensions period as follow:

Period Dimension

I ve tried any ways to perform this operation, but unsucessfull

with member [Measures].[Valor Acumulado] 
as Sum(PeriodsToDate([Período].[Mês].[(All)]),[Measures].[Valor Pago]
 with member 
 [Measures].[Valor Acumulado] as Sum(YTD([Período].[Mês].[(All)]),
 [Measures].[Valor Pago])

Or the cumulative calcule does not work or appears a Error Message

CellOrdinal 1 VALUE #Error Query (2, 37) The YTD function expects a member expression for the argument. A string or numeric expression was used

Query execution Query execution

Is it necessary to make a concatenation with Year and Month members?

Anybody to help me?

could you attach a screen shot of how you are expecting the result to be.MoazRub
Sorry, i don't know how can i reply you answer. I've added another answer with your suggestionsTonny Alves
take a look at the screen shot. Is this how the result shot be. If not share a screen shot showing how you want the result to look like.MoazRub
you missed the Case statement and the " : " try this in your code [Measures].[Valor Acumulado] as Case when [Measures].[Valor Pago] = null then null else Sum({[Período].[Mês].firstchild : [Período].[Mês].currentmember},[Measures].[Valor Pago]) endMoazRub
I don't have null values, but i've add the case statement with member [Measures].[Valor Acumulado] as case when [Measures].[Valor Pago] = null then null else Sum({[Período].[Mês].firstchild:[Período].[Mês].currentmember},[Measures].[Valor Pago]) end Is not cumulating :/ I don't know what is wrongTonny Alves

2 Answers


Take a look at the sample below, it will help.

[Measures].[Internet Sales AmountRunningtotal]
case when [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] = null then null 
sum({[Product].[Subcategory].firstchild:[Product].[Subcategory].currentmember},[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount])
select {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount],
[Measures].[Internet Sales AmountRunningtotal]
} on columns,

non empty
([Date].[Calendar Year].[Calendar Year],[Date].[Calendar Quarter of Year].[Calendar Quarter of Year],
[Adventure Works]

Result enter image description here


Well, i made this sugessted changes, but the result was the same as

Query Execution

with member [Measures].[Valor Acumulado] as Sum({[Período].[Mês].firstchild 
[Período].[Mês].currentmember},[Measures].[Valor Pago])
SELECT NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Valor Pago], [Measures].[Valor Acumulado]  } ON COLUMNS, 
    NON EMPTY { ([Grupo de Despesa].[Grupo de Despesa].[Grupo de Despesa].ALLMEMBERS,
                [Período].[Ano].[Ano].ALLMEMBERS * [Período].[Mês].[Mês].ALLMEMBERS, 
                [Período].[Nome de Mês].[Nome de Mês].ALLMEMBERS ) 
                }ON ROWS 
                    FROM ( 
                        SELECT ( -{ [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[ALESE], 
                                    [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[DPE], 
                                    [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[FAI], 
                                    [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[FUNDECON], 
                                    [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[MPE], 
                                    [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[RC], 
                                    [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[TJ], 
                                    [Unidade Governamental].[Sigla Orgão].&[TCE] } ) ON COLUMNS 

                                    from [Execução Orçamentária])