It is possible, but not comfortable. If this is a single-user setup, you might be better off not using local::lib
and just letting perlbrew manage the modules for you. Also if it's a multi-user setup on a homogenous network, where everyone has the same machine and OS, then you can just set PERLBREW_ROOT
to e.g. /net/share/perlbrew
and then your installed perls (and their modules) can be shared. As noted in the other answers, this will be a problem if you try to mix machines (and possibly also problematic if you have different operating systems).
On a very diverse network, we prefer to keep everything separate. You can simply setup your local::lib
to be a function of your current perl and your current platform, e.g.
distro=lsb_release -d|cut -f2|tr ' ' '-'
arch=`uname -m`
export PERLBREW_ROOT=/net/share/perlbrew/$platform
# You will have to first do 'perlbrew init' (just once for all users)
# In this case you don't need (and shouldn't have) a ~/.perlbrew
source $PERLBREW_ROOT/etc/bashrc
# When $PERLBREW_PERL is not defined, local::lib puts modules in $perl5base/$platform
# We also found that we needed to clean PERL5LIB in between
export PERL5LIB=`echo -n $PERL5LIB|sed "s|${perl5base}[^:]*||g"`
export PATH=`echo -n $PATH|sed "s|${perl5base}[^:]*||g"`
# Setup local lib, relative to the perl being used
mkdir -p $lib
eval $(perl -I"$lib" -Mlocal::lib="$perl5")
This is not our exact script, in particular you would need to check that these directories all exist first. You need to run perlbrew init once per platform and you need to bootstrap local::lib each time as well.
I don't recommend this approach, but provide as an example of one way to make this work, which it does for our mixed network (even on Mac OS). Leaving local::lib out and just using perlbrew (ignoring the system perl), would be a cleaner approach.