
I have attached the report output.If you see the report output , the column ‘Total_Hotel_Charge’ highlighted in yellow is showing the amount in UK pound. But I don’t understand why . when I checked in the property of the column and found the Data format is set to ‘Currency ‘ but not set to UK pound . please see the screen shot .

So my questions is why it’s taking UK pound as default ? Is there something could be set in ID studios?Anyone else faced this kind of issue ?If yes could you suggest me some thing to resolve this ?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Thank you

Thank you for your response .Could you let me know where this default currency would be set? Some where in cognos configuration file ?I have already seen that changing the property does changes the currency format in report .But curious to know where the default currency has been set .Priya Nath

1 Answers


In the Data Format dialog, the Format type is set to Currency and no Currency is chosen. This makes it use the default currency, which I assume is UK pound. You can correct that by choosing a specific value in the Currency property. Don't trust the sample being displayed at the bottom of the dialog.