I am actually working on a shopify theme and i am looking for a way to create content like sections, or section-blocks in a single spot, that can be called in any template-liquid to reuse the created blocks in various situations within the entire theme.
something like an information block, a banner or an entire section, that can be displayed in a collection, and also in some products, depending on a product-value.
so the content can easily be changed in an wysiwyg- or section(-block) editor and be changed within the entire theme.
i managed something like that by creating a separate blog that i use to create globally accessable content that can be called in any theme file.
Unforenetly i am not satisfied, because the articels have to be published to be visible and therefor are accessable when you know the blog url.
Is there a "cms-block"-like Feature bulid into shopify or an app that has these features?
Is there a common or better way than:
{% if condition==true %}
<div class="blog-insert-class">
{% assign article = articles['BlogName/ArticleName'] %}
{{ article.content }}
{% endif %}