I have been using Microsoft Graph APIs in my .NET application to read Calendar, mails and Contacts from Office 365. Now my application uses Access Token for its working, which expires after every one hour and prompts the User to re-login.
My requirement is to extend the token expiry, which can only be done using Refresh Token. I tried to include the scope "offline_access" in my app and it gave me the error "MSAL always sends the scopes 'openid profile offline_access'. They cannot be suppressed as they are required for the library to function. Do not include any of these scopes in the scope parameter."
I have modelled my application on the demo given by Microsoft for Graph APIs and MVC integration on the link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/rest/dotnet-tutorial
What wrong am I doing here or what am I missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.