I am trying to migrate my DB by adding timestamps to all the rows which were missing timestamps earlier. I have calculated createdAt timestamp using _id but I'm not able to set the timestamp. What am I doing wrong here? Can someone help?
let Question = db.model('Question');
let items = await Question.findWithDeleted();
let processedIds = items.map((q) => q._id);
processedIds.forEach(function (id) {
const timestamp = id.getTimestamp();
// const date = new Date(parseInt(timestamp, 16) * 1000);
// echo(timestamp)
Question.update({ "_id": id }, { "$set": { createdAt: timestamp } }, (h) => {
Here is the model:
const Question = new Schema({ "type": { type: String, trim: true, enum: Object.values(questionTypes), required: 'Question type is required' }, "text": { type: String, required: true }, "desc": NotRequiredStringSchema, "options": [{ "id": ObjectId, "name": NotRequiredStringSchema, "helperText": NotRequiredStringSchema, "icon_key": NotRequiredStringSchema, "icon_url": NotRequiredStringSchema, "icon_svg": NotRequiredStringSchema }], "placeHolder": NotRequiredStringSchema, "buttonPosition": NotRequiredStringSchema, "buttonText": NotRequiredStringSchema, "buttonHoverText": NotRequiredStringSchema, "helperText": NotRequiredStringSchema, "max": Number, "min": Number, "default": Mixed, "icon_key": NotRequiredStringSchema, "icon_url": NotRequiredStringSchema, "icon_svg": NotRequiredStringSchema, "showTick": { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, "lang": { required: true, type: Map, of: { type: Map, of: String } } }, { timestamps: true });