I want to create a list with flash cs3 using the accordion component (the user clicks on a row, and the row expands). The icon of the header is a movieclip "My_icon":
var oAccordion_1:Object = oAccordion.createChild("Datasheet", "Icon", {icon:"My_icon"});
Movieclip "My_icon" contains a dynamic textfield with the instance name "lblHead". No I want to change the text of the textfield like this:
oAccordion_1.icon.lblHead.text = "mytext";
But trace(oAccordion_1.icon.lblHead) gives undefined. However trace(oAccordion_1.icon) gives me "My_icon".
Any idea how I can access lblHead inside the header mc?
Btw. I know the accordion has a label itself, but I want to have more than just a label inside my header.