
Following a TC upgrade to 2018 My previous script of triggering a TC build with parameters is not working

The script we were using uses the following api:

https://[server]/httpAuth/action.html?add2Queue=[build name]&name=[param name]&value=[param value]

I'm trying to migrate to restApi from (https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/TCD18/REST+API#RESTAPI-QueuedBuilds):

I have tried

https://[server]/app/rest/buildQueue?locator=buildType:[build name],[param name]:[param value]

Currently I have 2 issues:

  1. I get a build triggered successfully - but it has not been triggered
  2. Documentation was not clear, how to I trigger the build with parameters ? Can you please advise on how to trigger the build successfully with parameters (also could be more than 1)
As it turns out the upon upgrading to TC 2018, our script started failing on the above with a GET call. Changing it to a POST call resolved the issue. No need to migrate to the new TC REST API as it is still backwards compatible.CapBird

1 Answers


Firstly you right TeamCity documentation is not clear. Respect to this link;

For triggering a build you must make POST request to this url and send buildType id through body.


Also you can pass configuration parameter into body.

XML body for trigger build with parameters:

<build><buildType id="YourBuildTypeId"/>
<properties><property name="PARAM1" value="VALUE1"/></properties>

JSON body for trigger build with parameters:

  "buildType": {
  "id": "YourBuildTypeId"
  "properties": {
  "property": [
     "name": "PARAM1",
     "value": "VALUE1"
     "name": "PARAM2",
     "value": "VALUE2"

You can use below curl script.

curl -X POST \
http://localhost:8111/httpAuth/app/rest/buildQueue \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
-d '<build><buildType id="YourBuildTypeId"/>
<properties><property name="PARAM1" value="VALUE1"/></properties>