I have created an add-in for PowerPoint which creates a grid of objects from a selection of objects that you select.
The add-in uses a context-sensitive control in the ribbon so that the control is only available when one or more shapes are selected (otherwise it is greyed out).
When I open PowerPoint (with this add-in enabled), I may get the following error message: "PowerPoint can't start this feature because you currently have a Visual Basic for Applications project in break mode."
The message repeats as each custom control is loaded onto the ribbon (the controls progressively appear as you click ok to each error), and once PowerPoint has started the controls are present in the ribbon but are greyed out, and do not get activated when a shape is selected.
The error is very hard to fault find: it may just disappear and not re-appear on a particular machine, but then may be present on a different machine for the same set-up (and exactly the same add-in code). It may occur if this add-in is loaded on its own, or it might only occur if it is loaded with other add-ins.
When the error messages appear, I may fault-find by commenting out sections of code, save and re-add it as a ppam add-in until the error messages disappear: and then to try and verify that I'd found the source of the problem, uncomment out the code I'd commented out until the error re-appears - except that usually the error does not re-appear.
The error is not seen if PowerPoint starts with an open document. Also the error might only be seen when PowerPoint is set up to start up with its welcome screen rather than a new document.
My current office version is: 1812 (office 365 - desktop), build 11126.20196 (but I have seen this on other versions) and Windows 10 version 1803.
I have tried:
Exporting all my code to text files and importing it back using a version of Rob Bovey's code cleaner adapted for PowerPoint: http://www.tushar-mehta.com/powerpoint/vba_codecleaner/index.htm
Trying to force the error messages to appear to try and work out what a possible source of the errors could be - but have so far been unable to do this:
Deliberately inserting an error in any of the code run when PowerPoint loads (such as divide by zero) results in the usual debug error messages and not the error messages that I am having a problem with.
Introducing delays in Auto_Open, onLoad and getEnabled calls to try and get any of these calls that might run asynchronously to overlap following a suggestion that Auto_Open and onLoad calls may be fighting with each other: but although I can get Auto_Open and onLoad calls to overlap, this hasn't caused the re-appearance of the error messages.
Seeing if the problem might happen due to a problem when PowerPoint was last closed: I put PowerPoint in break mode, then forced it to stop with the task manager and then re-started PowerPoint - but no errors seen. Also I have tried having another office VBA project in break mode (Excel) and then start PowerPoint - again no errors seen.
I've tried comparing the registry (HKCU) for when PowerPoint is in break mode and when it isn't to see if that might give a clue - but there was nothing significant that was different.
The XML for the GridMaker add-in looks like this (in customUI.xml - I open the pptm file in Visual Studio with the Open XML Package Editor extension):
<customUI onLoad="GMApplicationEventsModule.gmRibbonUI_onLoad" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" xmlns:nsCommtap="CommtapNamespace">
<ribbon startFromScratch="false">
<tab idMso="TabHome">
<group id="gridMakerGroup" label="Grid Maker">
<button id="gmMakeGrid"
label="Make Into Grid"
getEnabled="GMApplicationEventsModule.gm_GetEnabled" />
The GMApplicationEventsModule looks like this:
Option Explicit
Private m_oMyRibbon As IRibbonUI
Private m_boolShapeSelected As Boolean
Private m_oAppEvents As CGMApplicationEvents
Public Function get_m_oMyRibbon() As IRibbonUI
Set get_m_oMyRibbon = m_oMyRibbon
End Function
Public Sub set_m_boolShapeSelected(value As Boolean)
m_boolShapeSelected = value
End Sub
Public Function get_m_boolShapeSelected() As Boolean
get_m_boolShapeSelected = m_boolShapeSelected
End Function
Public Sub gm_GetEnabled(control As IRibbonControl, ByRef returnedVal)
returnedVal = True
If control.Id = "gmMakeGrid" Then
returnedVal = GMApplicationEventsModule.get_m_boolShapeSelected
End If
End Sub
Public Sub gmRibbonUI_onLoad(Ribbon As IRibbonUI)
Set m_oMyRibbon = Ribbon
End Sub
Public Sub Auto_Open()
If m_oAppEvents Is Nothing Then
Set m_oAppEvents = New CGMApplicationEvents
End If
Set m_oAppEvents.App = Application
End Sub
Class CGMApplicationEvents:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents App As Application
Private Sub App_WindowSelectionChange(ByVal Sel As Selection)
If Application.ActiveWindow.Selection.Type <> ppSelectionShapes Then
GMApplicationEventsModule.set_m_boolShapeSelected False
GMApplicationEventsModule.set_m_boolShapeSelected True
End If
If Not GMApplicationEventsModule.get_m_oMyRibbon Is Nothing Then
Dim oRibbon As IRibbonUI
Set oRibbon = GMApplicationEventsModule.get_m_oMyRibbon
oRibbon.InvalidateControl "gmMakeGrid"
End If
End Sub
I have another two add-ins which look like this. The onAction on the gmMakeGrid button (above) runs some code which creates a grid of shapes from a shape selection. The other two add-ins simply show a message when their buttons are clicked. But it should be possible (or not - as the errors seem to be intermittent) to see the errors if the code shown here is just linked to showing a message box.
Making the error message appear
I am now able to make the error message ("PowerPoint can't start this feature...") appear, which also shows that the source of the error could originate from somewhere other than the add-in where the error is seen.
I have one add-in - app1-basic (using the code as described above) which is enabled. I have a second macro (app2-basic.pptm) file (also as described above) in which I have put a "Stop" statement in the onLoad procedure. With PowerPoint closed, open app2-basic.pptm. Whilst opening, the VBE will open and code execution will stop at the stop statement. Now close PowerPoint (by clicking on the "X" in the partially opened PowerPoint). This will display the error message.
The error message appears to be triggered because PowerPoint is trying to call the getEnabled procedure in the add-in but is unable to because the macro being opened has put it in break mode. Logging seems to support this:
Time Time tick VBA Project Module Procedure Comment Stop in app2-basic onLoad which is opened as pptm (not add-in), one other add-in enabled (app1-basic) 25/02/19 15:17:58:258 158,650,603,696 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule Auto_Open Called 25/02/19 15:17:58:258 158,650,619,479 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule Auto_Open Completed 25/02/19 15:17:59:259 158,653,089,479 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule set_m_boolShapeSelected Called 25/02/19 15:17:59:259 158,653,105,936 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule get_m_oMyRibbon Called 25/02/19 15:17:59:259 158,653,421,625 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule gmRibbonUI_onLoad Called. 25/02/19 15:17:59:259 158,653,477,892 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule gmRibbonUI_onLoad Completed 25/02/19 15:17:59:259 158,653,560,560 app2-basic ApplicationEventsModule gmRibbonUI_onLoad Called. Normal open then close - app1 - with no errors 25/02/19 15:34:45:245 161,505,047,523 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule Auto_Open Called 25/02/19 15:34:45:245 161,505,061,039 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule Auto_Open Completed 25/02/19 15:34:54:254 161,531,088,269 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule gmRibbonUI_onLoad Called. 25/02/19 15:34:54:254 161,531,110,752 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule gmRibbonUI_onLoad Completed 25/02/19 15:34:54:254 161,531,169,707 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule app1_GetEnabled Called: Control.id: app1ShapeSelectedMsg 25/02/19 15:34:54:254 161,531,200,726 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule get_m_boolShapeSelected Called 25/02/19 15:34:54:254 161,531,215,706 app1-basic ApplicationEventsModule app1_GetEnabled Completed: Control.id: app1ShapeSelectedMsg
Further comments:
From time to time, after a number of rounds of making errors appear and then correcting them, this error message can then appear when loading add-ins where there are no errors. I've still not been able to come up with a repeatable sequence of actions that causes this to happen.
It is looking like the error is likely to be arising from somewhere else other than the add-in which is failing to load properly because of the error. It also seems possible that the error could be due to a problem with the state in which PowerPoint is opened - perhaps due to a problem encountered when it was last closed.
Code to demonstrate the errors
Full code which produces this error message from time to time.