I'm trying to plot the graph using plotly where the person clicks on the geom_points and it should populate that geom_point row into the rendered table below.
I have been successful in doing that. So Person clicks on the geom_point on the graph, that geom_point data (row) gets displayed. Now I am trying to append multiple rows to the same table instead of overwriting the previous row the person selected. Basically, I want the person should click on the multiple geom_points and the table should show all the geom_points data instead of overwriting the previous one.
d1=structure(list(Topic = c("compensation", "manager", "benefits",
"family", "communication", "worklifebalance", "perks", "compensation",
"benefits", "manager", "communication", "worklifebalance", "family",
"perks", "benefits", "compensation", "manager", "communication",
"family", "worklifebalance", "perks"),
variable = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L),
.Label = c("Prct", "Count"), class = "factor"),
value = c(2.23121245555964, 0.723305136692411, 0.576192227534633,
0.202280250091946, 0.190020840995464, 0.153242613706019,
0.0122594090964816, 0.913705583756345, 0.609137055837563,
0.50761421319797, 0.50761421319797, 0.304568527918782, 0.203045685279188,
0, 1.49977276170277, 1.21193758521436, 0.893803969095592,
0.439327374640206, 0.348432055749129, 0.242387517042872,
group = c("APAC", "APAC", "APAC", "APAC", "APAC", "APAC", "APAC",
.Names = c("Topic", "variable", "value", "group"), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"),
row.names = c(NA, -21L))
ui <- fluidPage(
d0 = d1
key <- row.names(d0)
server = function(input,output){
output$keywords = renderPlotly({
d0 <- data.frame(d0, key)
p = ggplot(d0, aes(reorder(Topic,-value), value, key = key)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = value),
shape = 16,
size = 3,
show.legend = F) +
facet_wrap(~ group)+
output$selection <- renderPrint({
s <- event_data("plotly_click")
cat("You selected: \n\n")
selection2 <- reactive({
s <- event_data("plotly_click")
cat("You selected: \n\n")
df <- data.frame(s)
output$table1 = renderDT({
d2 <- d1 %>% filter(key == selection2()$key)
shinyApp(ui, server)
if you will run this code and click on points. you will notice that it overwrites the rows in the table. I expect that it should keep appending the rows when you keep clicking on points. I am new to using shiny but if there is a way to do use reactiveValues or observeEvent or anything else?