
I have a CSV file with two columns order_id and product_id. The file has about 140k rows.

Here is some sample data from the file:


I want to run apriori on this, so reading it in as a transactions object using read.transactions. The code is

trans = read.transactions(file_location,
                          format = "single",
                          sep = ",",
                          cols = c("order_id", "product_id"))

When I run this, I get the error

Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class “ngTMatrix” object: all row indices (slot 'i') must be between 0 and nrow-1 in a TsparseMatrix

Tried a couple of searches, but couldn't find any solutions. Any help would be appreciated.

It seems to work for me with the sample data. Make sure you have the latest version of arules. Please open an issue at github.com/mhahsler/arules/issues with the complete data.Michael Hahsler
Gave up on debugging this and used as(...,"transactions") instead. That said, it is likely that it was simply a version issue because I did upgrade the R version soon after posting this.Moon_Watcher

1 Answers


I had similar issue, and after removing the record with Null values, it was solved. :D