I'm having trouble with my shiny app. I want that the user can type in all the variables needed for the substr function to filter data from a data frame using dplyr.
I made an example using the dataframe iris.
In the textInput(select1) I like to type in "Species". In the numericInput(start1) I like to type in "4". In the numericInput(end1) I like to type in "6". In the textInput(match1) I like to type in "osa".
Now I want that the tableOutput only shows the rows which matches the criteria "osa" in the column "Species" from digit 4 to 6.
The numericInput(start1), the numericInput(end1) and the textInput(match1) are working. But the textInput(select1) doesn't work. When I'm using the input as variable I'm getting an empty data frame.
When I change the code an type in "Species" instead of reactivevar1() in the substr function I get the data frame I want.
filter(substr(Species, reactivevar2(), reactivevar3()) == reactivevar4())
This alternative works. But this is not what I want.
I want this to work:
filter(substr(reactivevar1(), reactivevar2(), reactivevar3()) == reactivevar4())
I tried different functions like substring and stringr::str_sub. I also tried as.character.
This is the full example:
ui = fluidPage(
textInput(inputId="select1", label="Type in variable", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
numericInput(inputId="start1", label="Start digit", value=NULL, min = NA, max = NA, step = NA,
width = NULL),
numericInput(inputId="end1", label="End digit", value=NULL, min = NA, max = NA, step = NA,
width = NULL),
textInput(inputId="match1", label="Criteria to match", value = "", width = NULL, placeholder = NULL),
actionButton(inputId="startfil", label="Start filter", icon = NULL, width = NULL),
server = function(input, output,session) {
obs <- observeEvent(input$startfil, {
var1 <- NA
reactivevar1 <- reactive({
var1 <- input$select1
var2 <- NA
reactivevar2 <- reactive({
var2 <- input$start1
var3 <- NA
reactivevar3 <- reactive({
var3 <- input$end1
var4 <- NA
reactivevar4 <- reactive({
var4 <- input$match1
irisfiltered <- iris %>%
filter(substr(reactivevar1(), reactivevar2(), reactivevar3()) == reactivevar4()) #reactivevar1() doesn't work
output$table <- renderTable(irisfiltered)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I just can't figure out what is wrong with my code. It is important that the user can type in a start and an end digit to filter the substring.