We are developing an SAP Fiori App to be used on the Launchpad and as an offline-enabled hybrid app as well using the SAP SDK and its Kapsel Plug Ins. One issue we are facing at the moment is the ODATA message handling.
On the Gateway, we are using the Message Manager to add additional information to the response
" ABAP snippet, random Gateway entity method
DATA(lo_message_container) = me->mo_context->get_message_container( ).
iv_msg_type = /iwbep/cl_cos_logger=>warning
iv_msg_number = '123'
iv_msg_id = 'ZFOO'
" optional, only used for 'true' errors
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
message_container = lo_message_container.
In the Fiori app, we can directly access those data from the message manager. The data can be applied to a MessageView control.
// Fiori part (Desktop, online)
var aMessageData = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().getMessageModel().getData();
However, our offline app always has an empty message model. After a sync or flush, the message model is always empty - even after triggering message generating methods in the backend. The only way to get some kind of messages is to raise a /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception and pass the message container. The messages can be found, in an unparsed state, in the /ErrorArchive entity and be read for further use.
// Hybrid App part, offline, after sync and flush
this.getModel().read("/ErrorArchive", { success: .... })
This approach limits us to negative, "exception worthy", messages only. We also have to code some parts of our app twice (Desktop vs. Offlne App).
So: Is there a "proper" to access those messages after an offline sync and flush?
iv_add_to_response_header = abap_true
? Maybe it will help to pipe also warnings and infos into/ErrorArchive
entity – Suncatcher