
I am successfully creating build artifacts in my public Github repository's Azure Pipeline:

  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
      pathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
      artifactName: drop

But after a CI build, I would like to download this artifact to my laptop and examine it. All I can find is how to make a manual REST API call where I need to know my build number and the artifact name.

Is it not possible to download the artifacts registered from the Azure Pipelines web interface?


2 Answers


Location of build artifacts has been changed. Navigate to Pipelines, Pipelines, select build run and click on link under Artifacts section. On Published artifacts page, there is link to download artifacts

enter image description here

enter image description here


You can navigate to artifacts and download it there:

enter image description here

You would need package management license for that (first 5 are free) and appropriate permissions. top left box is the feed selector

To download a build artifact >> go to build in the build history and in the summary it will contain all the artifacts

enter image description here