I need to implement a method to return common elements in two lists as part of an assignment problem: My idea was to remove duplicates in both lists, concatenate them and return elements that are repeated in the resulting list. I want to define a Boolean function that check for each elements in the list if they appear more than once. My idea was to use List.fold_left with a specific element b in the list and use acc to keep track of the number of times it appears in the list. However, I have an error here:
I have another idea that involves sorting the lists first, But the list could be of any type, hence comparison has to be implemented for new types as well. Or can I just use < to compare any type of values?
Here are the codes that I have so far.
let rec remove (b : 'a) (l : 'a list)=
match l with
| [] -> []
| w::e -> if w=b then remove b e
else w::(remove b e)
let rec removeduplicates (l:'a list)=
match l with
| [] -> []
| w::e -> w::(removeduplicates(remove w e))
let removeduppair (l : 'a list * 'a list)=
let (l1,l2) = l in
(removeduplicates l1, removeduplicates l2)
and limited by the stack size. To make this efficient you have two options: 1) As you mentioned: sorting. This would beO(n log n)
. or 2) hashing.O(n)
. Create Hashtbl's using the items in the lists as keys (and () as value) and then check if keys from the first are in the second too. – Goswin von Brederlow