I am creating a LogicApp with a simple request trigger as given in the example given below.I am trying to pass parameter using 'Start-AZLogicApp' cmdlet. While the Logic App does get instantiated when I run the cmdlet, the parameter does not pass and the workflow fails.
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"address": {
"type": "string"
"required": [
"address": "21 2nd Street, New York, New York"
This works fine if I post the callback url in a browser and pass the parameters ,however if I use the above mentioned powershell cmdlet to trigger the logic app, then no parameter is passed. The actual cmdlet I am trying is:
$paramer='"address": "21 2nd Street, New York, New York"'
$paramerStart-AzLogicApp -ResourceGroupName "resource1" -Name "calling -logicap" -Parameters $paramer -TriggerName "manual"
Need some help to find out what should I pass that the HTTP request trigger accepts the passed parameter by this cmdlet.