I am trying to have a script in (google sheets) sheet "Info Pull" show/hide rows based on the contents of Column C.
Currently I am running the following formula in Column C:
which produces either 'hide' or 'unhide' depending on whether or not cells H,I,J,and K 47 are returning a value.
If any of the aforementioned cells return a value, the corresponding cell in Column C turns to 'unhide' and vice-versa if all the cells return no value.
I've been trying to have this script hide/unhide the rows based on the contents of Column C however, the script is only partially functioning.
If I actively type 'hide' into a C cell, the row will hide. However, if I paste 10 rows worth of 'hide' into 10 C cells, only the first row will hide. Likewise, the script is not re-evaluating and hiding/unhiding based off of the changing results of the IF formula. If I depopulate cell H47, turning C47 to hide, the cell does not hide.
Also, if I set cell A1 to 'hide' and paste '=$A$1' in a group of cells in Column C, only the first cell in the group will hide and it will not unhide if I set A1 to 'unhide'. I think this may have something to do with my trigger but I am relatively new to scripting and am unsure.
function onEdit(e) {
function hideAndShowRows(e) {
var sheetsToWatch = ['Info Pull'];
var columnToWatch = 3;
var sheet = e.range.getSheet();
if (sheetsToWatch.indexOf(sheet.getName()) < 0) {
var editedRow = e.range.getRow();
var cellToWatch = sheet.getRange(editedRow, columnToWatch);
if (cellToWatch.getValue().toLowerCase() === 'hide') {
if (cellToWatch.getValue().toLowerCase() === 'unhide') {
I would like the cells to hide/unhide based off of whether or not the formula in Column C returns hide/unhide.