Below is my formula (in workbook A) referenced to another workbook B where the data is present and frequently updated.
=COUNTIFS('Z:\Reports\Data\[Athletics - LIVE.xlsx]Sheet 1'!C:C,"Media",'Z:\Reports\Data\[Athletics - LIVE.xlsx]Sheet 1'!A:A,">="&B1,'Z:\Reports\Data\[Athletics - LIVE.xlsx]Sheet 1'!A:A,"<="&B2)
and B2
(format: date) are the cells present in workbook A itself (where the formula is present). The formula looks for strings with two criteria in workbook B and give us the counts (requirement). The result I get is #VALUE!
unless the closed workbook B is opened.
Is there a problem with indexing? Why the formula does not update when the workbook B is updated and closed?