I've written a twitter bot in node which retweets some tweets returned from search. I've bundled it with Webpack and deployed it using AWS Lambda. I've set cloudWatch event to trigger the function every hour. I've logged the start and end of the function, and also every time the function successfully/unsuccessfully retweets.
It works when I run it locally. It works when I test it on Lambda management console. However in my CloudWatch Logs, there is no long between the start and end logs. Interestingly, if I decrease the rate of event trigger to <5 minutes, it works again. I'm very confused. Any Idea how I could fix this behaviour?
Here's the logs on the test. The function works as expected.
START RequestId: 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 Version: $LATEST
2019-01-23T18:18:42.111Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 Start
2019-01-23T18:18:42.312Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 Error retweeting
2019-01-23T18:18:42.312Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 You have already retweeted this Tweet.
2019-01-23T18:18:42.352Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 Error retweeting
2019-01-23T18:18:42.352Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 You have already retweeted this Tweet.
2019-01-23T18:18:42.352Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 Error retweeting
2019-01-23T18:18:42.352Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 You have already retweeted this Tweet.
2019-01-23T18:18:42.352Z 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 End
END RequestId: 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510
REPORT RequestId: 8f2a4423-5aca-447e-9d24-a18b8c5ff510 Duration: 881.20 ms Billed Duration: 900 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 64 MB
Here's my code.
const learnInPublicRetweet = async () => {
const query = '#SomeHashtag';
const params = {
q: query,
result_type: 'recent',
lang: 'en'
let data = await T.get('search/tweets', params);
const { statuses } = data.data;
statuses.forEach(async ({ id_str: id, user }) => {
if (user.id_str !== '1032750379597946880') {
try {
await T.post('statuses/retweet/:id', { id });
console.log(`Retweeted tweet with id ${id}`);
} catch (err) {
console.log('Error retweeting');
exports.retweet = learnInPublicRetweet;
Here;s my cloudwatch logs
16:44:13 START RequestId: 34df836d-c9b3-4b9a-9547-8f3be7ed5297 Version: $LATEST
16:44:14 2019-01-23T16:44:14.159Z 34df836d-c9b3-4b9a-9547-8f3be7ed5297 Start
16:44:14 2019-01-23T16:44:14.938Z 34df836d-c9b3-4b9a-9547-8f3be7ed5297 End
16:44:14 END RequestId: 34df836d-c9b3-4b9a-9547-8f3be7ed5297