I am trying to destructure a 2D array in Google Apps Script and it remains unchanged.
I found a link that explains how to destructure an array in google apps script similar to the syntax for javascript es6.
The link is https://plus.google.com/u/0/+DimuDesigns/posts/9FDJx2qe4gZ
The example they give works fine for me in as a separate function.
function readData() {
var id = '1P4aVeFJMT9e0ijoFt262IuLlnjHte8hl2iUeU_kk-AQ'; //ID of the
projects spreadsheet
var ass = SpreadsheetApp.openById(id); //Initilize spreadsheet
var sheet = ass.getSheetByName('Sheet1'); //Get sheet instence
var row1data = sheet.getRange('A1:F1').getValues();
[a1, b1, c1, d1, e1, f1] = [row1data];
expected output to log should be the data in cell A1 which is the first item in the array.
actual output is the array itself.
I am a beginner in general so a clear explanation with well commented code would be appreciated.