I would like to integrate vuetify's v-stepper with vue router. My requirements are as follows:
- Each step has its own route (e.g.
, etc) - Each step is component on its own which is dynamically loaded (lazy-load).
- Each step is dynamically created (e.g. via a loop).
This is more of a 'what is the best approach' kind-of-question. I've tried multiple solutions but none fit my requirements.
- I've tried creating nested routes and placing a
. Example below. The issue I faced here was that it's impossible to synchroniously updateposition
(see v-stepper element) and the route. So you'll always see the route updating before the step is updated.
<v-stepper v-model="position" vertical>
<template v-for="(item, index) in steps">
<v-stepper-step :complete="position > index + 1" :step="index + 1">
<v-stepper-content :step="index+1">
- Another solution I tried is loading the components async/dynamically directly (so without router). However, then I lose the beautiful ability to navigate through my v-stepper using the browser's back and next buttons.
In my experience, the biggest pitfall is that (contrary to e.g. v-tab), is that every step has to have its own v-stepper-content
. If I were to do this with tabs, I would just create one tab-item
and update the view. I can't do that with v-stepper
, because it wouldn't continue to the next 'step'.
Would anyone have a creative approach?
<component :is="">
right now and manually push routes with parameters to vue router (so you'd get?step=1
, etc). But that's not a real solution. – Frank