I know this question has been asked before but I am still facing issues with the in app purchase. I have read the apple document, followed the checklist of http://troybrant.net/blog/2010/01/invalid-product-ids/
But I am still facing problem in making the in app purchase to work. I followed a video tutorial to create the StoreKit, my codes are fine. When I do NSLog for NSLog(@"Invalid productRequest count %d", [response.invalidProductIdentifiers count]); The result: Invalid productRequest count 1 I have submitted the binary code and rejected it. I hope this is not an issue for the IAP to work. What I am doing different in order to make the in App Purchase to work.
Can someone kindly advice me if I am making a mistake or what should I do to ensure the iap to work.
Your response will be much appreciated.
Thank you.