So my database is pretty simple, a listbox "ListItems" which contains a bunch of different products in which the user selects and enters a quantity of how many were made. Which works perfectly, however to aid the user from an efficiency standpoint a search box was added to prevent the user having to find the right product from 50 thousand items.
When the user types the top record is selected;
Private Sub txtSearchItems_Change()
If Me.ListItems.ListCount > 0 Then
Me.ListItems.Selected(0) = True
End If
End Sub
However, if the user does not physically click the selected line in the list box, when the following code is ran, the item will be added to the table without an item;
Dim RST As DAO.Recordset
Set RST = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from UptimeItems")
If IsNull(txtQuantityProd) Or txtQuantityProd = "" Then
MsgBox "Please enter a quantity produced.", vbExclamation
End If
'\\Checkbox For If is Press
Check95.Value = False
If DLookup("[IsPress]", "Machines", "[MachineName] = Location") = -1 Then
If DLookup("[MoreThan1Blank]", "LintelInfo", "[No] = ListItems") = -1 Then
Check95.Value = True
End If
End If
With RST
!RecordID = RecordID
!Product = ListItems
!Quantity = txtQuantityProd
!MoreThan1Blank = Check95
End With
Set RST = Nothing
Call ClearFields
as you can see the top record the user did not select the row in the listbox so no data was added other than the quantity, but with the "Box 100 900mm" the user did, thus the data was added.
How can I fix this?
!Product = ListItems
is the error source, you need to check thelistbox.listindex
maybe or if any items are selected before clicking. – Nathan_Sav