
I have managed to create build and release pipelines for my v1.x Azure Function and it is working. But now I have a problem with function.json file. I have three environments (development, test and production) with different triggers. So I need to modify function.json for each environment. How can I modify function.json in Azure DevOps' release pipeline? Now I have to modify it manually after each release.

you can run a script that would do so. i dont think there are any built-in tasks4c74356b41
It's not a good idea to modify content generated by SDK. What do you want to dynamically set in function.json?Jerry Liu
But in my case, function.json isn't dynamically set.Lassi Autio

1 Answers


I resolved this with JSON variable substitution in release pipeline's Azure App Service Deploy task.


Then put appropriate variables to put wanted values to function.json, for example topic for Azure Service Bus trigger: bindings.0.topicName = MyTopic