I would like to display a custom taxonomy name with its URL everywhere that WooCommerce products appear:
- on Homepage (https://rockers.pl/) - I have the best selling and the newest products shortcode
- on Archive pages
- on Single Product page
I created custom product taxonomy for the artist:
name: artysci
label: ArtyĆci
singular_label: Artysta
description: ""
public: true
publicly_queryable: true
hierarchical: true
show_ui: true
show_in_menu: true
show_in_nav_menus: true
query_var: true
query_var_slug: ""
rewrite: true
rewrite_slug: ""
rewrite_withfront: true
rewrite_hierarchical: true
show_admin_column: true
show_in_rest: true
show_in_quick_edit: ""
rest_base: ""
rest_controller_class: ""
meta_box_cb: ""
and now - near the title of the product - I need to display the artist name with URL to its taxonomy. Many thanks for any help.