I'm writing an HOC in Reactjs. When I'm going to return class in WithErrorHandler
HOC I get a warning in console said
"Functions are not valid as a React child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of
<Component />
from render. Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than return it." However, if I remove class, warning will be gone.
I am going to add click handler for Modal to enable it to close. Also, I am going to get message from error which I have passed as an argument of second function for show in Modal.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Modal from '../Modal'
const WithErrorHandler = WrappedComponent => ({ error, children }) => {
class extends Component {
state = {modalShow: false}
modalToggle = ()=> {
this.setState(ModalShow: !!error.message)}
render() {
return (
{error && <Modal type={error.messageType} message={error.message} />}
const DivWithErrorHandling = WithErrorHandler(({children}) => {
return children
class App extends Component {
state ={error: null}
someMethode = ()=> {
const sampleError = {//an object with message key}
this.setState(error: sampleError)
return (
<DivWithErrorHandling error={this.state.error} >
<button onClick={this.someMethode}>
Toggle Error