
The vCPU limit per subscription is 20 (according to this page: Azure Subscription Limits Quotas).

However, when following this other page, Azure VM Quotas, and get-azurermvmusage command is used it shows that the limit for Total Regional vCPUs is 350.

This latter page says:

The vCPU quotas for virtual machines and virtual machine scale sets are arranged in two tiers for each subscription, in each region. The first tier is the Total Regional vCPUs, and the second tier is the various VM size family cores such as the D-series vCPUs. Any time a new VM is deployed the vCPUs for the VM must not exceed the vCPU quota for the VM size family or the total regional vCPU quota. If either of those quotas are exceeded, the VM deployment will not be allowed. There is also a quota for the overall number of virtual machines in the region.

How do these two limits work together: -> is 20 a soft limit and 350 a hard (maximum) for the that region?


1 Answers


soft limit is the default you get when you provision a subscription, hard limit is what you can get if you raise a support request and request to raise the limit ( you dont necessary get to the limit in one support request ). you cannot go beyond hard limit (to my knowledge).